Cidadela’s Shakespeare
No âmbito do PAA, as turmas do 11º ano foram convidadas a penetrarem no mundo da poesia, escrevendo, para tal, um poema sobre a importância do mar/água na sua cultura. Fez-se um concurso entre as duas turmas, para se selecionarem os melhores três melhores poemas de cada turma. Seguidamente, foi aberta a votação à escola. Os alunos vencedores são todos do 11ºB e elencam-se a seguir:
1º Lugar – Daniel da Cruz e Inês Lima, 11ºB
Poem no.9
The Deep Blue
I am drowning in the deep blue sea
As I stand here in the water
My mind travels like the man did many years ago
I stand here watching the world change once more
The deep blue sea is not the same anymore
I stand here going down in a world of pain and suffering
Like the man before me did,
even though they went to discover the whole world
The deep blue sea brings to us many things now, as well as in the past
It is important that we do not forget our past
In a world that is in complete change
The deep blue sea kept us together and made us stronger
The deep blue sea is like you and me:
on a certain day it’s calm and other days it’s angry.
I stand here watching the waves and the wind and I feel happy
To you, my friend, I say the deep blue sea is your best reward so,
do not waste it.
33 respostas
2º lugar in ex aequo
Érica Lopes, 11ºB
Poem no.7
Sea, my dear sea
Sea, my dear sea…
Every moment I need you,
You are there for me.
Everywhere all the time,
When I cry
Of sadness or happiness,
A bit of you makes me company,
Emerging from my eyes
And slowly embracing my face.
If I need to talk to someone,
You are my first choice,
You answer me wisely
Or with the sound of waves,
Or with your sea air.
Two things that make me love you!
23 respostas
2º lugar in ex aequo
Poem no.6
Salvador Ramos, 11ºB
Sea, in you I see life
Sea, in you I see life.
In you I feel the wind.
In you my forgotten soul,
Comes back to my mind.
I remember you with every sound,
It’s hard to talk when it comes to us.
I remember every word that was said,
And I just want to get back to what it was.
The outbursts of thought, he already lives here,
But with you, he goes with the wind.
In you I can see my own world,
And you make it kind.
You, who hear my soft jazz coming out of the column,
My thoughts coming out of my mouth.
You still here, timelessly.
I have to give you value before you go crazy.
23 respostas
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